Please see the video above for detailed installation techniques – any qualified decorator should be able to fit this product – some customers are even happy to fit their own and have achieved great results.
If you are familiar with fitting conventional wallpaper, the process is very similar. However overlapping each section and cutting to form the join, which is one of the differences requires patience, accuracy and a continually sharp blade! If you are confident, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t make a great job of it, but considering you have just invested in an individual wallpaper, we recommend using a qualified decorator.
Always check your wall height at each end and at a point in the middle. Similarly always check the width at the top, middle and bottom of your wall. Always give us the MAXIMUM SIZES FOR EACH DIMENSION from these measurements – this will ensure that your wallpaper size is covered and there will be no problems when your decorator arrives to fit it.
As with any preparation for wallpaper fitting, remove unsound coatings/fragments, fill any holes or irregularities with plaster-based filler/smoothing compound and smooth the surface. With old or brand new wall surfaces, prime the surface with a water-based plaster sealer. With highly absorbent surfaces, prime with a diluted wallpaper paste.
Installation/fitting of your PICTOWALL wallpaper can be carried out by any qualified decorator and is a simple process. Enclosed with your product will be a colour print-out of the wallpaper plan which you have previously approved – this should provide a comprehensive guide for your decorator.
Your personalised wallpaper will behave and fit just like any ‘off the shelf’ wallpaper product. There are just a few slight differences, as follows:
a) PASTE THE WALL, not the paper.
b) MOISTEN THE BACK OF EACH WALLPAPER DROP with clean water and a sponge before hanging (optional – depending on porosity of wall surface).
c) OVERLAP ON THE JOINS, rather than butt join. We print a 50mm extra repeated pattern on each edge of the paper to allow you to overlap each wallpaper drop, match up and then cut through the overlapped section to form the join.
d) WIDER STRIPS. Your PICTOWALL wallpaper is supplied in wider strips than that of a standard wallpaper roll. The width we provide will usually be 1150mm wide for the main strips/drops, depending on your wall width. Because your wallpaper is formed from a full, overall image, the wider pieces keep the amount of joins to a minimum.
e) We will print at least 100mm EXTRA IMAGE TOP AND BOTTOM to give you leeway in case your wall runs out slightly (i.e. not quite ‘plumb’).
Your decorator should be totally familiar with the process, but here’s a few good tips you may wish to pass on:
1. Always lay your design out and refer to your wallpaper plan before starting. Have your wallpaper drops marked up in the order in which you choose to fit them.
2. Use a ready-mixed wallpaper adhesive – usually available in a tub. Solvite or Polycell products are ideal. Your decorator may have his own preference, but any good quality ready-mix adhesive will do the job.
3. If you have the space, a good way of helping and speeding up the matching up of overlapping joins is to do this before fitting:
a) Overlap each pair of wallpaper drops in a ‘dry’ state until the pattern fits, then apply a couple of inches of masking tape (don’t use other tape) vertically across the join. Do this at three points, near the top, middle and bottom of the wallpaper strips.
b) Cut the masking tape directly on the join being careful not to damage the image underneath. Separate the wallpaper pieces and then when you come to match them on the wall, simply match the cut tape pieces up in each instance and your join should be in position ready to cut. Remove the tape very carefully before making your vertical cut.
4. Change your blade for EVERY CUT to ensure a good clean join.
5. Don’t brush excessively. Although our personalised wallpaper product has good scratch resistant properties, please remember that it is a vinyl/paper material and will damage if mistreated!
NOTE: We measure, match and test every wallpaper drop after printing for accuracy. The above information represents advice only – we cannot be held responsible for the method you or your decorator uses should the result be detrimental to the outcome of the fitting. Working conditions and wall surface conditions are beyond our influence, so no claims can be based on the information.